
Food for Thought: A game about food and choices

Created by Grail Games

A worker placement board game designed by a dietitian! Cook, dine and exercise - whoever best manages their body's needs will win!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Let's go shopping!
3 months ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 02:07:41 PM

Hello once again!

Thanks to everyone for their continued support of Food for Thought :) We are now around the halfway point of the campaign and are so glad to have you all on board!

As mentioned yesterday, these 3 recipe cards are now going to be included in every copy of the game...

  • Skirt Steak: Lets you take extra food tokens when you shop!
  • Tequila Sunrise: Lets you swap out one of the food tokens you are usually forced to take when you go to the farmers market!
  • Spaghetti & Meatballs: This card effectively lets you snack twice in one action! That will help clear out your kitchen :)

These are the final recipe cards that will be added to the game - we now have a deck of 72 cards! Note that we have just spent some time clarifying the text on all the cards so the final production of these recipes may be worded differently when you finally receive them :)

Next: Baskets to hold your purchased items!

Our next stretch goal is coming up soon! This is the addition of 3 tiles that can sit off the board for players to use when taking the shop action (art is NOT final)...

In the original version of the game, there was a shaded area of the board where players could sort their purchased items and keep track of how much money they had spent. (Each item costs $1/$3/$5 and you have $6 max to spend.) To keep the game's presentation more thematic, we thought adding these basket tiles to the game would be a nice idea. For many players, the visual representation of how much they have spent at the store (and what they have bought) helps keep the gameplay smooth and clear. As this will enlarge the size of one of our punchboards we had to include it as a stretch goal here.

We have more stretch goals on the way as well! Don't forget that you can add-on copies of our recent and upcoming releases to your pledge. Bottle Imp just launched at Gen Con and is getting buzz - maybe that's a card game your group will enjoy :)

All the best! Thanks again, I will update you again soon :)
- David
Grail Games

Printed designs and puzzles sublime!
3 months ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 02:55:47 PM

Hello food lovers!

thanks for supporting us during the campaign for Food for Thought :) Backers keep signing up each day. Welcome to everyone new to the campaign!

We have recently passed the target for our next 2 stretch goals...!

Screenprinted bag!

The food token bag is filled with 10 of each type of food token at the start of the game and is used to randomly seed the spaces on the Dining Out area of the board. As it's always on the table within sight of the players, highlighting it with a screenprinted design is a nice extra! (The design as shown is subject to change).

Currently (as shown in the image on the campaign page), each type of food token has its own drawstring bag for storage. We have plans for future stretch goals where all of these bags get a unique screenprinted design as well, so stay tuned for that :)

3 more recipe cards!

All these extra recipe cards will now be included in the game! More info on them next update :)

A puzzle to keep your mind stretching!

Karen, the game's fabulous designer, has put together a little brain-burner for you to solve...

There is a lot of underlying information in the design of my game “Food for Thought” that nobody knows about. If you think that the game was just haphazardly put together, you’d be incorrect!
One interesting thing about the design of “Food for Thought” is that the points on the recipe cards are all based on a simple algorithm. Let’s see if you can figure it out!
Using the food token colors in all of the following recipes below, calculate the total number of points for all of the cards by determining the values for each food token. You
must explain how you got to your answer - obviously just adding up the card point totals (23) won’t get you the win!

Can you determine the point values of each food group? Every token must add up to the Victory Point total in the bottom-right corner of each card. (A hint = no food type is worth more than 2VP.) Put your answer in the comments below!

Speak soon, have a good day!
- David
Grail Games